Matthew 16:15 And he said to them, “As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race!
July 31, 2022
In the TV show The Good Place there is a complicated merit system that you have to beat to get into The Good Place. But the system is rigged and no one can get in case on their merit. The old system of the Law was similar. Jesus came to offer grace so we don’t have to follow the merit system
July 17, 2022
Our mission at BCC is to show them love of Christ to all who cross our path. But do we? Or do we demonstrate the bystander effect? Are we working to pay the prayer “break my heart for what breaks yours.”
July 10, 2022
Sean Cockrill joins us this week to talk about how we need to put life into perspective. God and his plan are so good that even when we don’t see it or understand it, he is still trustworthy.
June 26, 2022
Paul tells us in Hebrews 10 that we have access to the Father through Jesus. Today we use the illustration of Esther to talk about why that’s a big deal.
June 13 2022
We are home because of the sacrifice of Christ. Sometimes it takes the ultimate sacrifice to bring freedom and elevate people from being 2nd class citizens. We look at 3 unknown civil rights activists as an example.
June 5, 2022
God set His people apart to be Holy. Holy means a place where God dwells, divine, set assist for good purposes.
June 1, 2022
As Christians we are called to only speak what is good about others.
May 29, 2022
As we continue our study of holiness we talk today about The Ark of the Covenant.
May 22, 2022
In the movie war horse we see hundreds of horses worked to death. and yet many of us choose the war horse life and work ourselves to death. But God wants us to rest. Today we talk about the importance of the holy Sabbath.
May 15, 2022
A look at what holiness is. We start off with an example from a baseball favorite, The Sandlot. Then we journey back to the Israelites on the desert.
May 8, 2022
Mother’s day is a day to celebrate motherhood. bit what about those who want to be moms? We look at Hannah’s story today
May 1, 2022
News and social media can have an agenda. Today we talk about what you can do when confronted with news that causes an emotional reaction. It is our job as Christians to take every thought captive.
Apr 24, 2022
News and social media can have an agenda. Today we talk about what you can do when confronted with news that causes an emotional reaction. It is our job as Christians to take every thought captive.
Apr 17, 2022
Early colonials and the Jewish people both needed a fresh start. They were under a huge weight of rules and taxes. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense helped the colonials see that they needed a fresh start, new leadership. Jesus brings us a new covenant and relieved us from the weight of trying to live perfectly under The Law. Paul is trying to explain this in Hebrews 7.
Apr 10, 2022
Jesus drew crowds, much like the Beatles with Beatlemania. they were coming to worship Jesus because they knew He was The King
Apr 3, 2022
Jesus 3rd test was a test of humility. Power tends to corrupt. Like Captain America who passed the grenade test, Jesus passed the humility test. he needed to demonstrate his humility before he could start his ministry.
Mar 27, 2022
In Jesus 2nd test, the devil dared him to prove he was the son of God by throwing himself down and relying on the angels. On the cross, Jesus was again dared to prove he was the son of God by saving himself.
Mar 13, 2022
Elite warriors must pass intense training and testing. like the navy SEALS and their BUDS, Jesus needed to be tested before he could take on his mission. Matt 4:1-4
Mar 6, 2022
Baptism is our opportunity to declare that Jesus is Lord. after baptism we need to continue to soak in the Lord’s presence. Just like a boiled cucumber isn’t a pickle, we all need to soak in the brine of the Lord’s presence.
Feb 27, 2022
Jesus tells us the Holy Spirit is with us always. The Holy Spirit challenges us, strengthens us, protects us and teaches us. Bear Grylls gives us a good example of what this can look like.
Feb 20, 2022
Jesus exhorts us to teach the Gospel. We look at Ron Clark as an example of what a good teacher looks like.
Feb 13, 2022
Jesus tells us All Authority in heaven and on earth if his. We are good people so we also carry his authority.
Feb 6, 2022
Jesus tells us All Authority in heaven and on earth if his. We are good people so we also carry his authority.
Jan 30, 2022
What did it mean for the disciples to “doubt” in Matt 28? have you ever been so overwhelmed that your frozen?
Jan 23, 2022
All those who first met Jesus were ecstatic! Even though nothing visibly changed around them, their spirits knew that God was coming through.
Jan 9, 2022
Jesus includes us in his plan to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. It starts with being willing to Go. We look at the life of Mother Teresa as an example.
Jan 2, 2022
All those who first met Jesus were ecstatic! Even though nothing visibly changed around them, their spirits knew that God was coming through.
Dec 19, 2021
Jesus is king. Today we look at a list of kingly values as presented in the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
Dec 12, 2021
A good shepherd, whether it’s the canine or human variety has a set of admirable traits. They lead their flock to safety and abundance, they protect their flock, they rescue their wards when stolen, they know their wards intimately, and they groom them. Jesus did all these things and we as Christians should drive to do them too.
Dec 5, 2021
Jesus is a high priest in the order of Melchizedek. So who was Melchizedek? What does it mean to be a priest? How can we exercise our time as priests in the Kingdom?
Nov 28, 2021
Prophets carry messages from God to the people. Martin Luther King Jr was a modern day prophet. Today we read part of his speech, Beyond Vietnam from 1967. these words are still to today. Then we look at how Jesus was a prophet whose words are still true today. Quotation of Beyond Vietnam: Martin Luther King Jr
Nov 21, 2021
As we finish it series on strongholds we look at what it means going forward. Unfortunately we aren’t finished with battling, we’re just finished with our basic training.
Nov 14, 2021
Christians through history have done terrible things in the name of Christ. This is a scheme of the religious spirit. Let’s learn a lesson from Dirk Willems on how to be people of have and love.
Nov 7, 2021
It’s part of American culture to evaluate and comment on other people. This comes from the critical spirit and is a scheme of the enemy.