
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. – Proverbs 18:16

Here at BCC we're all about sharing the love of Jesus with our community. Would you like to help us in our mission?

Every year we host a back to school event so all our kids feel confident on that 1st day.

Do you need to edit or adjust your giving? Click below, then log into Subsplash. (Upper right corner)

We love giving to our community- you can give time, talent or treasure.

food pantry

We gladly accept UNEXPIRED food and cleaning products.

We also have a school supply give away event every year.  We also gladly accept NEW school supplies. 

We collect NEW hats, gloves and scarves which we donate to Welcome House.

We gladly accept donations either by mail, in person or through this donation page.

Our biggest fundraisers are our car show and quarter auctions. We gladly accept donations of items that can be used in an auction or gift certificates as prizes.

We do not accept used clothes or household items. Please take these items to a different charity.

chocolate, christmas, basket of chocolates

Will you consider leaving a legacy by including BCC in your end of life planning? We pride ourselves in helping our community? Will you make that part of your legacy too?